/EEG AnalysisSensitivity Grasping Technology

Maximizing "Condition" with Fragrances

We conducted a proof-of-concept experiment to verify the effect of fragrances on comfort, stress reduction, concentration, and tranquility.

Experiment Overview

To verify the effect of fragrances on comfort, stress reduction, concentration, and tranquility
20-40-year-old men and women office workers 10
Tokyo office
Data Collected
Brainwaves, task performance (simple math problems), and subjective evaluation (questionnaire)
Equipment Used
Emotional Analyzer (Mind Wave Mobile BMD, iPad)
Measured brainwaves before and during tasks, and conducted a questionnaire after the tasks.
Verified the effect of fragrances by wearing masks with no fragrance and three types of fragrances.

Overview of Emotional Analyzer

The Emotional Analyzer, co-developed by Professor Mitsuru Mankura of Keio University and Dentsu Science Jam, has realized "anytime, anywhere, anyone, and easy" brainwave measurement, which was previously impossible.

Photo of the Emotional Analyzer and iPad

This experiment is a preliminary experiment to see if fragrances affect emotions, and we will increase the number of subjects and build a more accurate one in the future.

Experimental Results


Fragrance C increases comfort and contributes to stress reduction.

Experimental Results 1> Graph

Fragrance C increases comfort by 10% and reduces stress by 13%.


Fragrance W increases concentration and contributes to work productivity.

Experimental Results 2> Graph (Concentration)

Fragrance W increases concentration by 16%. Math Problem Answer Results

Experimental Results 2> Graph (Number of Answers)

The number of correct answers to math problems increased by 22%.


Fragrance H increases tranquility and calms the mind.

Experimental Results 3> Graph

Fragrance H increases tranquility by 13%.CODE Meee offers customized solutions and effective fragrance presentation methods to companies. Would you like to try fragrance space design with optimal fragrances for stress reduction, concentration, relaxation, creativity, and communication activation, depending on your purpose and scene?