Company Overview
Introducing CODE Meee's company information and office locations.
CODE Meee Inc.
CODE Meee Inc. was established in 2017. Just as programmers code with excitement, Determined to "Develop a new fragrance society", It also embodies the idea of "Creating services that are tailored to each individual's genetic code." In order to integrate fragrance into your lifestyle, we are thinking of new ways to connect fragrance and technology.
About us
- Company Name
- CODE Meee Inc.
- est.
- April 5, 2017
- Business
- Fragrance-related D2C, Corporate services, R&D
- CEO name
- Kenji Ota
- HO Location
- 220-0004 Kanagawa Prefecture 1-11-5 Kitasai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama Sotetsu KS Building 6th and 9th floors (reception)
- Parent Company