Our representative, Kenji, appeared on Lucky FM's "Diversity News"

Our representative, Kenji, appeared on Lucky FM's "Diversity News"

Our representative, Kenji, appeared as a commentator on Lucky FM's "Diversity News," which was broadcast on Friday, June 23, 2023, from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

In the program, we introduced and explained five recent news picks on the theme of "Fragrance and Technology." In the latter half of the program, we introduced CODE Meee's latest initiatives under the themes of "The Future Lifestyle Brought by Fragrance and AI" and "Fragrance Space Design," and explained the possibilities of fragrances.

Takiguchi and our company's Kenji

CODE Meee will continue to create an exciting world with "Fragrance and Technology."

Reference URL

Diversity News "Technology": June 23, 2023 (Friday) Broadcast