We started an initiative to improve the workplace environment with original aromas at Joinus in Yokohama

We started an initiative to improve the workplace environment with original aromas at Joinus in Yokohama

We started an initiative to improve the workplace environment and enhance employee satisfaction at Joinus, a commercial facility in Yokohama, by using original aromas in the employee break room.

As more companies are focusing on improving various working styles and workplace environments to enhance employee satisfaction and productivity, we focused on the potential of olfactory elements that directly affect human instincts, memory, and emotions. We started using original aromas in the employee break room at Joinus.

Based on citrus and floral Japanese natural essential oils, and the preference data accumulated and analyzed through our general-user services, we created a fragrance to enhance relaxation effects and motivation for work.

Prior to the introduction, we conducted a test marketing using the same aroma in the employee break room at Joinus last year, and we received feedback that the selected aroma had superior fragrance preference and many people wished to continue using it.

Based on the results of this test marketing, we improved the identification of distinctive fragrance preferences and more effective presentation methods, and now we have officially introduced the aroma.

Going forward, we will further strengthen the development of blended aromas with a scientific approach and continuously work on improving the workplace environment from the perspective of fragrances.